Enamel Painting from Desmadre Art Show - On Display now at 2312 Gallery - SOLD
Always Hand Paint!
Got to paint a solid classic design for the folks at Red Hook at their live event.
Some of the Decks I have designed for Sausage Skateboards
'Blocks' - Available on the Sausage Web Store!
Casual - Original Art was Brush Lettering and then digitized, Available in the Sausage Store
Mikey Burton's 2nd Pro Model
This was a cool opportunity to explore the use of Gold Foil
The Surf Girl - Inspired by Summer
Wild in the Streets - We Out There
Live Fast! Life is short, get stuff done!
Just a few of these left on our site!
One of our first shirts - A humble homage to one of the greats - VCJ
I was very honored to design and paint a new interior for the remodel at BVSP
I donate time and effort to Marginal Way Skatepark when I can
I do not drink alcohol but these cans of DIY were fun to paint, dry brush
A fun graphic for the Homie Marcus down in TX!
Spot Illustration - The Way it Used to Be and 'Smart' Technology
Part of a concept for a kids snowboard deck.
Got to shralp around on the Mega 1/4, 18ft at the coping, Mega fun!
Will Morton making good use of the new Mural at BVSP!