Friday, July 31, 2015


Hello, Thank you for visiting my blog! I have my work all ready for you to check out on my website at TODDLOWN.COM 
I am grateful for your visits, and excited to be releasing work and products for sale soon in the store tab of my website!
Have a Rad day!!!

Monday, July 6, 2015

My Portfolio - A Chronological Glimpse at My Projects from this most recent post to the very first one

Enamel Painting from Desmadre Art Show - On Display now at 2312 Gallery - SOLD

 Always Hand Paint!

Got to paint a solid classic design for the folks at Red Hook at their live event.

Some of the Decks I have designed for Sausage Skateboards
'Blocks' - Available on the Sausage Web Store!
Casual - Original Art was Brush Lettering and then digitized, Available in the Sausage Store
The very first Sausage Skateboards deck - 2010, it has been an awesome 5 years
Mikey Burton's 2nd Pro Model
This was a cool opportunity to explore the use of Gold Foil
The Surf Girl - Inspired by Summer
Wild in the Streets - We Out There
Live Fast! Life is short, get stuff done!
Just a few of these left on our site!
One of our first shirts - A humble homage to one of the greats - VCJ
I was very honored to design and paint a new interior for the remodel at BVSP 

I donate time and effort to Marginal Way Skatepark when I can
I do not drink alcohol but these cans of DIY were fun to paint, dry brush
A fun graphic for the Homie Marcus down in TX!
Spot Illustration - The Way it Used to Be and 'Smart' Technology
Part of a concept for a kids snowboard deck.
Got to shralp around on the Mega 1/4, 18ft at the coping, Mega fun!
Will Morton making good use of the new Mural at BVSP!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Thank You Universe

It is an Honor to paint the wall at Alive & Well every time!

An Enamel Painting from my last show - sold

An Enamel Painting from my last show - sold

Had a blast painting 19 umbrellas for 'Bud Light's House of Whatever' at this year's Super Bowl in Phoenix AZ.

You Guys will get em next year Seahawks!